Bubble Tea is quickly becoming one of the most popular drinks in America and many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this opportunity. In fact, you could start your own basic bubble tea shop for less than $500 with a bubble tea starter kit.
Bubble Tea was invented in Taiwan and goes by many different names such as Boba, Pearl Milk Tea, Zhen Zhu Nai Cha, etc. Regardless of the name, Bubble Tea is a delicious beverage made with tea or fruit poured over cooked tapioca balls.
There are BobaTea Shops everywhere in Taiwan and the rest of Asia but they are only starting to make there way to mainstream America.
Now that we know what bubble tea is, let’s explore the question of:
Why Open A Boba Tea Shop?
Boba Tea is a novelty in most of the US and for that reason sells for $3-$6 for a 16oz or 20oz cup. The ingredients only cost about $0.75. After operating costs, that still leaves a lot of room for profit!
Now back to HOW to Open A Boba Tea Shop?
Successfully opening a bubble tea shop boils down to 4 main components:
- Quality Product Sourcing
- Quality Equipment and Materials
- Good Recipes
- Training and Proper Technique
Bubble Tea was invented in Taiwan and to ensure the best quality ingredients and processes. It would make sense that you should source your products from Taiwan.
For more information on product sourcing, how to open a bubble tea shop or how to add bubble tea to your existing menu.
In the event you are seeking Boba Supplies Wholesale or Bubble Tea Supplies check out this link to Custom Paper Cups
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